Finding the Dove – Writing Workshops

Slide01“Finding the Dove: Writing with English Language Learners” is a workshop I present for teachers of English language learners and for students themselves.   The workshop offers  poems, stories, novels, and works of nonfiction to inspire students to write themselves, see the importance of their own stories, and experience their telling and writing muscles. This is a hands on workshop using writings, music, and activities as jumping off places to experiment with writing about a memory, a story to tell to a child, a poem, and more. Here is the workshop reading list: “Finding the Dove” Writing Workshop with English Language Learners – Reading List.

The dove in the title of this workshop comes from a story by a student named Aqila Sharafyar, “The Faithful Doves of My Father: An Unforgettable Story” published in I REMEMBER WARM RAIN: 15 Teenagers, 15 Coming to America Stories, The Telling Room, Portland, Maine. Here also see a link to TELL ME A CUNETO, a booklet created by adult students in Lawrence, MA. The poems included are written in response to the illustrated books we read together in “Tell Me A Cuneto” workshops. The booklet can also be used as a reading list for books supporting writing and conversation in the classroom, annotated with students’ poems. Slide06     Tell Me a Cuento