Posts By: terryfarish

  • Finding the Dove – Writing Workshops

    “Finding the Dove: Writing with English Language Learners” is a workshop I present for teachers of English language learners and for students themselves.   The workshop offers  poems, stories, novels, and works of nonfiction to inspire students to write themselves, see the importance of their own stories, and experience their telling and writing muscles. This is…


  • Mosaic: Our Characters in the World

    “Mosaic: Our Characters in the World”: A workshop for writers of children’s and young adult books. Maria Padian and I presented this workshop at the New England SCBWI conference in May.  I’ll add resources on this topic regularly here on my site. Here are the first two handouts. Mosaic – Our Characters in the World~ Description,…


  • Luis Paints the World – set in a city of murals

    Lawrence, Massachusetts is a city of murals.  A “Bread and Roses” mural is on the Lawrence Family Health Center building.  Students create murals in the alleyways.   Next year, Carolrhoda Books will publish my picture book  LUIS PAINTS THE WORLD set in this city. It’s a story of going away to war from the eyes of…


  • Readers Write Viola’s Next Chapter

    Heather Flanders, ELL Specialist at Gorham High School in Maine sent me two stories.  She wrote, “I hope you are as moved as I was,” and I was. The stories were written by her students Amna and Megan, their own visions of the next chapter in my novel The Good Braider.   Amna is from…