Students Design their Own Joseph and Whoosh

Joseph and Whoosh, of Joseph’s Big Ride, and I were invited to Lawrence Public Library’s wild and wonderful summer story series.  Kids from all over the city and their teachers trek to the library!  Thanks Jazmine and Niko Welch for playing Whoosh and Joseph in our storytelling.  Afterwards, though, I found out the art that people bring to coloring sheets. I brought a Whoosh (Dominican American) and a Joseph (born in South Sudan) sheet. How about young Giovanni’s Joseph with a block cut.  Thank you Lois Eliot, Children’s Room Coordinator, for the beautiful Children’s Library you have created.

Book artist Ken Daley, wish you’d been there.






2 Responses to “Students Design their Own Joseph and Whoosh”

  1. Maren Tirabassi

    Wish I would have known. Matt and friend Ben Brady (it’s really Ben’s, Matt is the mechanic) have started the Lawrence Bike company, which is basically used bikes for all as cheaply as possible!

  2. terryfarish

    Hi Maren,
    Lawrence Bike Company? Wow, used bikes for all. I just saw a youtube about a bike shop in Baltimore where kids were leaning bike repair. And the work was combined with literacy and Joseph’s Big Ride had a quick closeup among books in the bike shop.


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